Saturday, September 11, 2010


The YoungCast project is a tandem exchange project in English-Spanish which provides a structured programme of student activities using audio and video podcasting to help students to exchange their ideas and to improve their second language. Moreover, this collaborative project aims to develop their speaking skills and to learn about each other through the participation in online videoconferences between different groups of students. 
To find out more about the project, watch the following video from two students from the United Kingdom or just click here to watch a student from Spain talking about the project:

iEARN-UK and iEARN-Pangea coordinators have been developing the Youngcast Project during the last three years (click here) with the main purpose of improving the communicative skills of students learning a foreign language. Teachers taking part in the project receive training and support in the use of ICT collaborative learning technology such as audio-casting, video-casting, moodle and learning blogs to bring the project into life. This training will go on during the different phases of the project and until the end of the project. 
This project is organized by iEARN-UK and iEARN-Pangea. Do not hesitate to CONTACT US or REGISTER for the project as soon as possible. Read all the information related with the project in the Overview Youngcast 2010 - 2011.